
Türkische Anwaltskammer trauert um 115 Kolleginnen und Kollegen

Die Kammer teilt den unbeschreiblichen Schmerz der Angehörigen der Erdbebenopfer, zollt ihnen Respekt und drückt ihr Beileid aus. Die BRAK teilt diesen Schmerz und bittet weiterhin um Spenden.


Die Türkische Anwaltskammer trauert um derzeit 115 Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die bei den Erdbeben am 6. Februar ums Leben gekommen sind. Von zwei weiteren Kollegen hat man bisher noch nichts gehört und vermutet, dass sie unter den Trümmern begraben sein könnten. Darüber hinaus leiden viele Kolleginnen und Kollegen, weil sie Angehörige oder ihre Existenz verloren haben. Die Türkische Anwaltskammer drückt ihr tiefstes Mitgefühl und Beileid aus, sichert Untersützung zu und teilt den Schmerz aller Betroffenen.  Zu Ehren der verstorbenen Kolleginnen und Kollegen hat die Türkische Anwaltskammer auf ihrer Website eine virtuelle Gedenktafel veröffentlicht.

Auch die Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer fühlt mit ihren Kolleginnen und Kollegen. Wenn Sie helfen wollen, finden Sie hier noch einmal den Spendenaufruf der Türkischen Anwaltschaft vom 14.02.2023 mit allen Informationen.

Spendenaufruf der Türkischen Anwaltschaft

„Dear Colleagues,

We are writing with a heavy heart once again, after the Izmit Earthquake in 2020, to appeal to the international legal community to mobilise and support the relief efforts in support of the lawyers' community in Turkey who have been among those severely affected by the devastating earthquake of February 6, 2023.

As you might have been following, the country woke up to a series of high-magnitude earthquakes, in the magnitudes of 7.8 and 7.5. Central and southeastern Turkey was hit severely by these. Lives of around 15 million people, many members of already disadvantaged minority groups including Kurds, Arabs, and immigrants, have changed forever.

The heavy winter conditions impact the search and rescue efforts severely. Initial reports indicate that many people either lost their lives or are still under the rubble, and thousands were left homeless in cold weather conditions or cannot enter their homes. Despite the incremental weather, search and rescue teams continue.  It is also among the information that some districts were completely destroyed. There is still no news from thousands of people.

It is reported that many lawyers, including those who are members of Maras, Hatay, Antep, Diyarbakir, Urfa, Adana, Adiyaman, and Osmaniye Bar Associations, and their families have suffered from serious loss of lives, homes, and workspaces among others. There are many who are under rubble waiting to be rescued.

As a response to this catastrophe, the Union of Bar Association of Turkey (TBB) has started a campaign in support of efforts aiming at providing relief to the lawyers community and their families. We *_(ÇHD, ÖHD, Ayşe Bingöl, etc.)_* have been in contact with them on this initiative and would like to support their efforts by undertaking the task of conveying this call abroad on their behalf.

The TBB started a donation campaign that enables the organisation to accept donations from abroad. *Please see the details below.* We would like to draw your attention to this important campaign and ask for your and your organisations’ kind consideration of support and mobilization.

The donations will be made directly to the *TBB’s Turkey-based USD and Euro *accounts, there will be a wire fee. We, therefore, *_encourage your organisations or network to coordinate the efforts and, if possible, to create a point of collection through which the donations could be made without many hurdles and unnecessary costs_*. As such donation campaigns are subject to official approval and time limits, *_the TBB will be able to accept donations to these accounts until the deadline of 15 March 2023, 17:00 pm (Turkey time)_*.

We would also appreciate it if you could let us know of your actions so we can inform the TBB accordingly and ensure a safe receipt on Turkey's end.

No need to say that any support, regardless of the amount, will count.

Please mobilise, support, and help us spread the word.

With gratitude and solidarity.

*The Name of the Bank: *DENİZBANK
*Branch of the Bank:* BALGAT BRANCH
*_USD Account: _*
*IBAN:* TR540013400000265362702334
*_EURO Account: _*
*Name of the Account Holder:* T. BAROLAR BİRLİĞİ BAŞKANLIĞI [Please be sure that the name is written correctly and as it is written here]1
*Swift Code:* DENITRIS134“

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