International Engagement of The German Federal Bar
International Engagement of The German Federal Bar
The German legal profession plays a key role in shaping legal cooperation and intercultural dialogue in the field of law not only at the national level, but also on the international stage. The German Federal Bar’s International Department fills this role with substance in close cooperation with the German legal profession, national and international partner organisations and bar associations in the respective partner countries. The aim of our work is, among other things, to contribute to the establishment and maintenance of the rule of law, to promote the introduction and strengthening of an independent and self-regulated legal profession as well as an exchange of legal knowledge for the joint further development of the law. The German Federal Bar is active in many regions of the world. Our projects are oriented towards the legal culture and the needs of the respective partner countries. International activities are pursued in a large variety of formats, ranging from international conferences, delegation visits and receptions, discussions with experts and advisory activities to the implementation of third-party funded projects. The International Department is responsible for both – elaborating the professional contents as well as establishing the organisational structure of these formats. Furthermore, The German Federal Bar is a member of all significant international and supranational lawyers’ organisations.
In the podcast series "ONE WORLD – ONE LEGAL PROFESSION", Dr. Veronika Horrer, Riad Khalil Hassanain and Svetlana Schaworonkova from the German Federal Bar regularly talk to international guests from the legal profession, the judiciary and politics.